Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: Discovering Main Street

Gold Beach on the southern Oregon coast feels more like a river town than an ocean place. The wild, tumbling Rogue River empties here, and given the choice between a walk on the sand or taking a jet boat one hundred and four miles into the interior of Oregon, most visitors take the later.
-- Discovering Main Street: Travel Adventures in Small Towns of the Northwest by Foster Church.

This is the kind of travel book I love because it explores off-the-beaten track, hidden corners, with a little more history and anecdote than practical advice. It is clear that Church really enjoys his exploring and knows how to find the vibe of the little towns he writes about.

Church was a long-time Oregonian reporter who now writes a blog called Small Town Travels, "celebrating the small towns of the Pacific Northwest."

I was pleased as punch to get this from the Oregon State University Press.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.