Saturday, February 12, 2011

Review of the Day: Shipwrecks, Monsters, and Mysteries of the Great Lakes

Shipwrecks, Monsters, and Mysteries of the Great Lakes by Ed Butts.

This is a short book with 10 stories of Great Lakes adventures, including monsters sighted on these inland seas and a sampling of the 6,000 or so ships lost on the Great Lakes since the Griffon disappeared in 1679.

It is a quick and interesting read for adults.  It would be a great book to read with kids ready to learn history. All the adventures and mysteries would make learning about inter-coastal commerce, industrial development, and navigable waterways much more interesting.


If you would like your review of this book listed here, please leave a comment with a link and I will add it.


I got this book through the LibraryThing Early Reviewer program.  I am making good progress on my list, but still have a few to go.