Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Opening Sentence of the Day and Teaser Tuesday

A Geography of Secrets by Frederick Reuss

Opening sentence:

Driving into work one day, I found myself in a different city.


I felt a pang of shame for the seedy atmosphere that had overtaken the room. . . . It was also Nicole, distraughtly puffing away at her cigarettes, the disorder of the apartment, the dreary winter weather, the shabbiness of lives foreshortened by cocktails and weltschmerz.

I just started this yesterday, so am combining an Opening Sentence post with Teaser Tuesday.

Although I have only read the first chapter, I think I am going to like this one.  "The shabbiness of lives foreshortened by cocktails and weltschmerz" is one helluva  phrase.

This has been on my Guilt List for quite a while.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.