Monday, August 16, 2010

Givaway Winner!

I am pleased to announce the winner of my giveaway for The Opposite Field by Jesse Katz.

Thank you to everyone who participated by signing up and/or spreading the word! And a big THANKS to Three Rivers Press who made the book available.

I used to generate a winner. That lucky person is Carin at Caroline Bookbinder. Thanks for participating, Carin. Congratulations!

Mailbox Monday

Only one book came into my house last week, so my Mailbox Monday list is very short.

Every Bitter Thing by Leighton Gage.

This was so tempting, even with its creepy cover, that I started it already and am racing through it.

So many books sit on my TBR shelves for years, it is fun to break my old habits now and again. I feel so impetuous.
GIVEAWAY: I'll announce the winner of my giveaway later this morning!