Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: Angler Management

I was raised by a PhD research scientist, and I can tell you firsthand that he viewed liberal arts majors as ethereal slacker stoners with no real understanding of how the world works, let alone how to turn on a Bunsen burner or create penicillin in a petri dish (when I was a child, my dad once gave me some penicillin that he personally created -- I can't even make a Manhattan without consulting the Internet). One way that we've figured out how to make ourselves feel, well, more scientific, is to inject science into art -- specifically, the art of fly fishing.

-- Angler Management: The Day I Died While Fly Fishing and Other Essays by Jack Ohman.

This is the perfect book to get for any fisherman dad for Father's Day! I may get it for my dad, even though he hasn't fished since he bought me a Popeil Pocket Fisherman for my eighth birthday and helped me catch bluegill using hot dogs for bait.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.