Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: The Farmer's Daughter

"The therapist was terribly skinny and B.D. had the fantasy of fattening her up to a proper size. There was the old joke of getting bone splinters while screwing a skinny girl."

--From "Brown Dog Redux," the second of three novellas in The Farmer's Daughter by Jim Harrison.

That is such a perfect Harrison teaser because of the combination of Midwestern-style lust and mind wandering. His characters are generally strong-willed, rural, and stuck inside their own heads.

"Brown Dog Redux" is the fourth of Harrison's Brown Dog novellas, each published as one part of a three-novella set.

This volume also includes "The Farmer's Daughter," about an intelligent young woman growing up under unusual circumstances in Wyoming, and "The Games of Night," which apparently has something to do with a werewolf, although probably in a metaphoric, rather than para-normal fiction, sort of way.

Jim Harrison is one of my favorite authors. I've read all his prose books, most more than once. My zeal is less fervent now, and the books no longer gobsmack (a very Harrison word) me like they used to, either because I'm getting older or Harrison is, I don't know. But I still read anything new he publishes and can honestly say that his work has shaped my worldview.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading, where you can find the official rules for this weekly event.

Opening Sentence of the Day: The Farmer's Daughter

"She was born peculiar, or so she thought."

-- The Farmer's Daughter by Jim Harrison.

This is one book from my Guilt List for which I have only myself to blame because I shamelessly begged Grove Press for a review copy. This is Jim Harrison's new novella trinity -- he is one of my all-time favorites. I am quite excited that my efforts paid off.