Monday, January 4, 2010

A Rose (City Reader) By Any Other Name . . .

It is a new year, so my blog has a new name. Well, I guess that is not accurate. My blog has a new address, but not a new name.

I switched the address to "" to get rid of the "blogspot" part of the address. It seems to have worked by blogger magic. But if anyone has trouble finding me, try changing your settings to the new address.

The only thing that seems to not have made the switch is my blogroll. I needed to update and freshen it anyway, so I will get to that very soon.

Mailbox Monday

My husband gave me two wonderful books for Christmas. We were out of town last week, so they are only making it to my Mailbox Monday list today.

The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thorton Wilder (a fancy, Easton Press edition of this book from the Modern Library's Top 100 list -- too bad I can't find a picture of the cover)

The Original of Laura by Vladimir Nabokov (instead of editing Nabokov's recently-discovered notes into a complete novel, the publishers printed actual images of his index cards, with the text typed below each one -- really cool)

What also came in the mail for me (which I found when I got back to work today), was a lovely surprise from J.G. at Hotch Pot Cafe. She sent me a Christmas card and the "perfect present" -- a mouse-shaped cheese knife. I love it! So sweet of her and such a funny surprise. What a good example of the nice friends I've met through book blogging.  Thanks J.G.!