Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Opening Sentence of the Day: Hemingway & Bailey's Bartending Guide to Great American Writers

"This book grew out of a simple observation: writers like to drink." Hemingway & Bailey's Bartending Guide to Great American Writers by Edward Hemingway (illustrator) and Mark Bailey (author). OK, I admit that this was an impulse purchase made as I was poking around Powell's the other day. It does not show up on any of my Must Read lists. But the caricature illustrations caught my eye, and books and cocktails are my favorite things, so home with me it came. I plan to sit in my new library some evening very soon, with a bourbon soda, and enjoy this little book straight through.

School Choice Contest

Are you a parent or grandparent of an Oregon K-12th grade student? Do you know any families with K-12 children? There are only a few days left to enter the Oregon School Choice Video Contest. Parents and K-12 students can win up to $10,000 by making a short video about what choosing their school has meant to them, or could mean if they haven’t had the choice so far. The Contest website with full details is at Oregon School Choice Contest. The entry Deadline is March 25th.