Sunday, January 4, 2009

In the News!

Well, I am giddy with delight this morning. Laura Grimes of The Oregonian wrote a great follow-up piece to her story last week about struggling to read (or not) The Ambassadors by Henry James. Both are great stories that stirred up quite a reaction from Henry James's fans and foes. The exciting thing for me is that, in today's story, she mentions this blog, writing:
Rose City Reader . . . is a machine when it comes to recounting her reactions to reading books. She describes The Ambassadors as "typical James sludge" and that the author's "talent reminds me of artists capable of painting portraits on grains of rice."
I'm giddy. Just giddy.

Update of the Day: Radcliffe's Top 100 List

My post on Radcliffe's Top 100 novels of the 20th Century list is completely updated. Now all the links work. Although I refuse to make any official New Year's reading resolutions, I am unofficially going to push to finish the books on this list in 2009. I have 19 books to go, although "one" of those books is The Lord of the Rings trilogy, so I really have 21 to go. We will see if I make it.